If a person is convicted of a felony offense, the conviction remains on permanent record forever. Jail: A fake ID crime can bring up to 90 days to a year in jail. If a person is unable to fulfill these conditions, the probation can be extended to a jail sentence. The conditions typically include reporting to the probation officer on a regular basis in case the person is leaving the city or connecting with known criminals etc. Probation: Mostly, a probation sentence of 12 months or more is given to the offender, with specific conditions, depending on the crime. It rangesįrom $500/- to $1000/- in misdemeanor offenses up to $100,000/- for a felony offense.
The stakes get higher when it comes to false IDs for employment verification for government and military, tempering of IDs is a very serious matter.įines: Fines are the most common penalty for using fake IDs. The possession or use of false identity is a crime and a person might face charges and penalties for this illegal activity, depending on the situation. Fake ID laws cover a wide range of activities such as making, selling, borrowing, possessing fake IDs, or using them on someone else’s behalf. Using fake ID might seem harmless in some cases but getting caught with it can cause serious penalties.
Using a fake ID, a person who doesn’t belong to an organization can access private and secure data without permission.